Monday, June 17, 2013

Activities For Kids in Summer – My Day At Kelso Beach

Looking for a mini escape from reality that everyone will enjoy?

I spent a day at Kelso over the weekend and there was no shortage of things to do. I began my day hiking the trails of the Niagara escarpment. There were beautiful views and I could even see the CN Tower!
I took the opportunity to go cave exploring, a fun activity for teenagers in the summer, and had a mini adventure in one called the “Lemon Squeeze”. Being in an underground cave is something I definitely had never done before; you could feel the temperature instantly drop once you got down there.

After all that adventuring I decided to hit the beach with a picnic, the perfect way to end the day with some relaxation. Swimming and sand always means many activities for kids in summer. There are lifeguards on duty and ropes marking the areas      Adapted from
as they get deeper, so you don’t need to worry about any safety issues.

That’s all I had time to do in my day but check out more activities at Kelso Conservation

How will you fill your day at Kelso?                 

Figure 1. Kelso Beach. [Image] © Conservation Halton

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